Saturday 20 February 2021


I cannot help but think Prince Harry has missed his calling some how. It wasn't a mistake he was born into the Royal Family, he was born a child with a destiny. In Acts 17:26 The Bible makes it clear "And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories." It isn't a mistake where we are born or to whom, it is part of Gods plan. 

Their final break with Royal Duties was announced yesterday following a year of reflection, they did up to that point have a way back. It would seem now all bridges are burned and many will be disappointed even hurt by this latest decision but did the Queen really have a choice? She has been stalwart in upholding and maintaining The UK Monarchy traditions at all costs and has weathered many storms. 

In a few days Oprah will release a interview with the Duke and Duchess and Netflix documentaries will follow. Yesterdays dig at the Queen began "As evidenced by their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the UK and around the world, and have offered their continued support to the organisations they have represented regardless of official role." They are obviously still very much under the illusion that they can serve in a similar capacity, stripped off all the Royal services and protocols in another country! They finished their retort against the decision yesterday with these word "We can all live a life of service. Service is universal." They are deluded if they believe they are serving the British Monarchy from their fortress hideaway in Los Angeles or have even close to the opportunities they would have had if they remained as working Royals! 

The British Monarchy has been nicknamed 'The Firm' for a reason, everything they do is part of a hard working dedicated team, you are either in or out, you cannot be part of that team remotely! Harry was a big part of the Royal Family and carried out many duties and held many patronages, he was also very supportive of his brother the future King of England. However everything changed when he fell in love with Meghan Merkle. He wouldn't be the first royal to jump ship because of love, we have been here before, Wallis Simpson another American captured the heart of the king and led to a scandalous abdication. With every decision there are consequences and I believe one day Harry may wake up and think "What have I done." The countries they would have visited, the people they would have inspired, the patronages and charities they would have championed. The British Royal Family can open doors and provide opportunities may of us can only dream off. They are a well oiled machine, synchronized, reliable and dutiful to the end. Only God knows the opportunities that have been missed, the hearts and lives that could have been touched if they remained as working royals. The Queen has led by example, true life service to ones country requires great personal sacrifice, she has remained loyal to her calling, which will inspire many generations throughout the world to come.

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