Wednesday 28 February 2024



Heat in the bible is often used as a metaphor for anger, hot headiness and strong emotions. Light is used as a metaphor for calm thought, revelation, clear thinking and level headiness. A world were everyone is operating in heat and not light would be an absolute nightmare. We need thinkers, people who are taking time to study the history, look at the facts and chew over the meat. People who are not swayed violently to the left or right but people who are able to take a more thoughtful centered approach. People who are willing and able to see both sides of the story. 

When I look at the Pro-Palestine marches occurring regular in London, and at great cost to the tax payer, I see a lot of heat and not much light. The same could be said of the 'Stop Oil' protesters. Strong emotions expressed with constraint and wisdom are the better way but when those emotions expressed intimidate, cause damage to property and severely restrict the lives of others it has gone to far.

False narratives and ugly slogans are bandied about as emotions run high. Some demonstrators at one of the Pro Palestine marches, clearly lacking light, admitted they didn't know what river and what sea they were chanting about. I would have loved to have been there had Winston Churchill been advised to bring about an immediate cease fire as Hitler waged his murderous advance and terror campaign throughout Europe or the same request made to The Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon. War is ugly people die, even civilians, and more so when they are used as human shields under hospitals, nurseries and mosques.

I feel for the people of Gaza because they made a terrible mistake when they voted in Hamas to lead them. Hamas never cared for them, what they cared about was their own political agenda fueled by Iranian support to see the destruction of Israel and they were willing to sacrifice their own people in that relentless cause. The millions of aid poured into Gaza from all over the world was not primarily used to build hospitals, schools or give welfare, sadly it was used to build terror tunnels and buy rockets. I recently heard the phrase 'Hamaspitals' on an American pod show which sums up the tragic situation the people of Gaza find themselves in. False light has taught them that Israel is the enemy, their lives are miserable because of Israel, a similar false narrative to what the Germans were told about the Jewish People in 1940's. I read somewhere that if all the international financial aid given to Gaza was distributed among the people of Gaza every one in Gaza would be a millionaire. Instead the money was used to fuel an ideological war that can never be won and to fill the bank accounts of the leaders of a recognized terrorist organisation

Hamas like all terrorist organisations must be dismantled and a new government installed in Gaza. An immediate surrender by Hamas would be beneficial to the people of Gaza but as the people of Gaza are not Hamas' main concern it is doubtful this will happen.The current war will end as all wars eventually end and for many the price of one nights 'resistance' on October the 7th has been a price too high. It wont end because of marches or strong public opinion, it wont end through intimidation and pressure it will end as all wars end when the weakest actor has been neutralized. In war no-one can take the higher moral ground, war brings out the worse of humanity no matter which side you are on. However there must be a concrete agenda, a goal to be reached, for Israel the elimination of Hamas is the agenda and goal. As for a two-state solution to the troubles it is more than probable that the October 7th attack has pushed that back perhaps for decades. Golda Meir the fourth Prime Minister of Israel said this “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”

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