Thursday, 23 April 2020

The Sin Of Ridicule

The person who takes pleasure in ridiculing others has actually succumb to an evil spirit, the spirit of ridicule. When Jesus was suffering on the cross for the sin of the world many ridiculed Him. "If you are the Son of Man come down off the cross," "He saved others but He cannot save himself." They derided him, wagging their heads saying "He trusts in God let God deliver Him now" (Matthew 27:39-44. These underhanded and dirty tactics are straight from the pit of hell and people who engage in them should be ashamed.

Facebook and other social media platforms are flooded with ridicule. Many are sharing with delight memes and caricature ridiculing and mocking others. Many are seen as 'fare game.' However its easy to lose sight of the fact that this person is someones father, mother, sister, brother, husband or wife. When you throw a stone at someone the ripples of the blow are far reaching. Ridicule is a weapon  because it always pulls down, always hurts. Avoid ridiculing others because to ridicule a fellow human being indirectly insults God, since we are all created in His image. Ridicule is a form of contempt and is morally wrong no matter how many shares you may get.

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