Wednesday 17 June 2009

Only marriage can mend broken Britain, says top judge

Daily Mail 17/06/09 'Marriage should be promoted by the Government to end the 'social anarchy' of family breakdown, a senior judge said last night.
Mr Justice Coleridge accused mothers and fathers who fail to commit to each other of engaging in a game of 'pass the partner' that has left millions of children 'scarred for life'.
In a hard-hitting speech in Parliament, he called for a change of attitude that would attach a 'stigma' to those who destroy family life and said a National Commission should be established to devise solutions for the 'epidemic' of broken homes.
He said: 'The reaffirmation of marriage as the gold standard would be a start.'
Currently, one in three marriages ends in divorce. One in ten children lives with cohabiting parents and a quarter live with a single parent.'

My thoughts on this article are this: If you believe as I do that God instituted holy matrimony and sustains those things he has put in place then it is our nations turning away from God that has caused the problem. Divorce and family breakdown are therefore merely a symptom of this turning away. It is a turning back to God that will mend broken Britian not just a governmental rethink on marriage.

Never before have Church leaders been needed to publicly speak out for righteousness (that which is right). But where are they?

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