Wednesday 28 February 2024



Heat in the bible is often used as a metaphor for anger, hot headiness and strong emotions. Light is used as a metaphor for calm thought, revelation, clear thinking and level headiness. A world were everyone is operating in heat and not light would be an absolute nightmare. We need thinkers, people who are taking time to study the history, look at the facts and chew over the meat. People who are not swayed violently to the left or right but people who are able to take a more thoughtful centered approach. People who are willing and able to see both sides of the story. 

When I look at the Pro-Palestine marches occurring regular in London, and at great cost to the tax payer, I see a lot of heat and not much light. The same could be said of the 'Stop Oil' protesters. Strong emotions expressed with constraint and wisdom are the better way but when those emotions expressed intimidate, cause damage to property and severely restrict the lives of others it has gone to far.

False narratives and ugly slogans are bandied about as emotions run high. Some demonstrators at one of the Pro Palestine marches, clearly lacking light, admitted they didn't know what river and what sea they were chanting about. I would have loved to have been there had Winston Churchill been advised to bring about an immediate cease fire as Hitler waged his murderous advance and terror campaign throughout Europe or the same request made to The Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon. War is ugly people die, even civilians, and more so when they are used as human shields under hospitals, nurseries and mosques.

I feel for the people of Gaza because they made a terrible mistake when they voted in Hamas to lead them. Hamas never cared for them, what they cared about was their own political agenda fueled by Iranian support to see the destruction of Israel and they were willing to sacrifice their own people in that relentless cause. The millions of aid poured into Gaza from all over the world was not primarily used to build hospitals, schools or give welfare, sadly it was used to build terror tunnels and buy rockets. I recently heard the phrase 'Hamaspitals' on an American pod show which sums up the tragic situation the people of Gaza find themselves in. False light has taught them that Israel is the enemy, their lives are miserable because of Israel, a similar false narrative to what the Germans were told about the Jewish People in 1940's. I read somewhere that if all the international financial aid given to Gaza was distributed among the people of Gaza every one in Gaza would be a millionaire. Instead the money was used to fuel an ideological war that can never be won and to fill the bank accounts of the leaders of a recognized terrorist organisation

Hamas like all terrorist organisations must be dismantled and a new government installed in Gaza. An immediate surrender by Hamas would be beneficial to the people of Gaza but as the people of Gaza are not Hamas' main concern it is doubtful this will happen.The current war will end as all wars eventually end and for many the price of one nights 'resistance' on October the 7th has been a price too high. It wont end because of marches or strong public opinion, it wont end through intimidation and pressure it will end as all wars end when the weakest actor has been neutralized. In war no-one can take the higher moral ground, war brings out the worse of humanity no matter which side you are on. However there must be a concrete agenda, a goal to be reached, for Israel the elimination of Hamas is the agenda and goal. As for a two-state solution to the troubles it is more than probable that the October 7th attack has pushed that back perhaps for decades. Golda Meir the fourth Prime Minister of Israel said this “We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”

Tuesday 27 September 2022


 Imagine you're in a rubber dinghy in shark infested waters, the only thing between you and being eaten alive is a layer of thin rubber and inflated air! You have the right to be anxious. Imagine you have now been transported out of the rubber dinghy into a aircraft carrier. How are your anxiety levels now regarding the shark attack? They should now have disappeared because there is no way they can eat you now! The environment hasn't changed but your position has!

All anxiety is based in fear and worry, fear and worry about what could happen, may happen has happened, could happen again. Fear of failure, fear of success. God doesn't want us to live in fear and worry, He wants us to live in faith. He has given each one of us a measure of faith but how we use it is up to us. We can use it to trust God that nothing is going to happen to us that He doesn't already know about (even if its a valuable lesson to teach us something). Believe He has our backs and desires a committed personal relationship because He knows we can't do life really well without Him. Or put your faith in chance, superstition, other people (people are flawed and will usually let you down or disappoint you)or some false god made from human hands or invented in the human mind, or perhaps no god at all. 

To be really free of fear and anxiety God may not take you out of the shark-infested waters but He will provide a way for you to safely get through. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7.

Paraphrased; We are instructed to stop worrying and practice praying instead. After you have prayed give thanks to God for hearing you and believe help is on the way. There is no need to return to the anxious thoughts because God has put an armed guard around your heart and mind (around that issue) so you can be at peace.

Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me” John 14:1. In a trust-less, unsure world it's good to know we have a higher power who cares for us, is 100% trustworthy and all we need to do to receive the Prince of Peace into our lives is trust and believe!

Monday 22 November 2021

Tuesday 2 November 2021


 Foreign leaders are gathering in Glasgow to discuss climate change as Boris Johnson declares his doomsday prediction "We are a minute to midnight to stop climate disaster." Similar fear propaganda was being peddled in the 1980's and the predicted outcomes did not materialise. No one can deny in some areas of the world there is climate change but to forecast 'the end of the world is nigh' is a step to far. With the Covid threat in the rear view mirror there are those who seem intent on promoting and propogating  a climate of fear. Four out of ten young people fear having children because of climate change and climate catastrophe anxiety is being reported in young people. All this whilst world leaders sip champagne and eat caviar, whilst pouring tons of carbon in the atmosphere whilst they zoom around the world in their private jets.

In 1987 a scientist predicted the earth temperature rise would be 5.7 to date the temperature rise is less than 1. In 1986 scientist predicted a two foot sea level rise in Florida to date the rise has been one inch. In 2013 it was predicted that the Artic would be free of ice by 2020. Enough said!

However the Bible is clear in Revelation chapter 21 this world we live upon does have a shelf life, it is temporary. There will be a new heaven and a new earth coming down from above in which "Behold the dwelling place of God is with man" "All things have become new."  God shall wipe away all tears and mourning "Death shall be no more." We have so much to look forward too. Jesus confirmed this when He said in Mathew 24:35 "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away." So climate change activists can keep their doomsday messages of doom and gloom and predicted chaos, the God who created all is in charge and has everything under control. So sleep soundly, fear not, trust in Him.

Wednesday 20 October 2021


 Last week I went to view the latest 007 film. It was a great film, it had the gadgets, the car, the chases and a great story line. However within the first thirty minutes of the film both 'M' and 'James Bond' had cussed using the name of Jesus Christ. I was disappointed and kept asking myself 'Why'? I imagined an outcome if they had used the name of Muhammad to cuss and swear. Would cinemas have been burnt down? Just how big would the outcry have been? 

It was unnecessary and so easy to omit from the script. Was I offended? Probably not, but I did feel sad? Sad in the same way if they had used a close family members name, someone I love. As a Christian Jesus is my family and I love Him. He is also King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev 19:6). He also has the highest name, “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name (Phil 2:9) Perhaps Christians should challenge more? Perhaps we should be asking the question "Out of all the religious leaders names you could use to cuss, why do you use Jesus'?"

Saturday 20 February 2021


I cannot help but think Prince Harry has missed his calling some how. It wasn't a mistake he was born into the Royal Family, he was born a child with a destiny. In Acts 17:26 The Bible makes it clear "And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their lands and territories." It isn't a mistake where we are born or to whom, it is part of Gods plan. 

Their final break with Royal Duties was announced yesterday following a year of reflection, they did up to that point have a way back. It would seem now all bridges are burned and many will be disappointed even hurt by this latest decision but did the Queen really have a choice? She has been stalwart in upholding and maintaining The UK Monarchy traditions at all costs and has weathered many storms. 

In a few days Oprah will release a interview with the Duke and Duchess and Netflix documentaries will follow. Yesterdays dig at the Queen began "As evidenced by their work over the past year, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remain committed to their duty and service to the UK and around the world, and have offered their continued support to the organisations they have represented regardless of official role." They are obviously still very much under the illusion that they can serve in a similar capacity, stripped off all the Royal services and protocols in another country! They finished their retort against the decision yesterday with these word "We can all live a life of service. Service is universal." They are deluded if they believe they are serving the British Monarchy from their fortress hideaway in Los Angeles or have even close to the opportunities they would have had if they remained as working Royals! 

The British Monarchy has been nicknamed 'The Firm' for a reason, everything they do is part of a hard working dedicated team, you are either in or out, you cannot be part of that team remotely! Harry was a big part of the Royal Family and carried out many duties and held many patronages, he was also very supportive of his brother the future King of England. However everything changed when he fell in love with Meghan Merkle. He wouldn't be the first royal to jump ship because of love, we have been here before, Wallis Simpson another American captured the heart of the king and led to a scandalous abdication. With every decision there are consequences and I believe one day Harry may wake up and think "What have I done." The countries they would have visited, the people they would have inspired, the patronages and charities they would have championed. The British Royal Family can open doors and provide opportunities may of us can only dream off. They are a well oiled machine, synchronized, reliable and dutiful to the end. Only God knows the opportunities that have been missed, the hearts and lives that could have been touched if they remained as working royals. The Queen has led by example, true life service to ones country requires great personal sacrifice, she has remained loyal to her calling, which will inspire many generations throughout the world to come.

Sunday 14 February 2021


   Has Donald J Trump started a powerful MAGA movement in which supporters turn up in large numbers wearing red hats and waving patriotic flags to hear him speak? Yes. Did Donald J Trump galvanize millions of Americans to stand with him and support his claim the election was stolen? Yes. Did he successfully encourage tens of thousands to descend on Washington DC on January 6th to join a #saveamerica march and protest those claims? Yes. Did he at any time during the speech he made that day, or at any other time, incite or willfully encourage a small number in that great crowd on January 6th to commit illegal activity, storm the capitol building, incite them to cause injury, death, destruction of property and mayhem? No! That is why the not guilty outcome is the correct and proper one in a showcase trial which should never have been brought.

However I doubt very much the Democrats will stop. Nancy Pelosi is already calling the forty three Republicans who voted, in good conscience, against this impeachment trial 'Cowards!' The Democratic party have become unhinged in their hatred towards the former President, they have a blood thirst which apparently cannot be quenched. One such Democrat voiced their pleasure at the peace that will now descend on the USA now Trump is out of office failing to acknowledge that it was their party which brought the relentless sham impeachments and trails which so preoccupied the American people for four years.

I know many Christians all over the world have been, are praying in large numbers for the man, his movement and the USA. Moved by his encouragement of religious freedoms and free speech, his favourable policies toward Israel and his stance on abortion and the pro life movement. However I firmly believe it is because of these prayers so much is being shaken, so much hatred is being uncovered, so much corruption and blatant hypocrisy is being revealed. It isn't that long ago that we were seeing similar happenings in the UK over Brexit. Brexit was nothing more that a power struggle. Those in power cling tightly to it and fight hard and nasty to keep hold of it.

Jesus understood the times we are living in only too well. He was the most righteous man who ever lived however from the moment he opened his mouth they were plotting to kill Him, to destroy Him, to silence Him. His heart toward them was to heal them, for them to see their great need and turn to Him. "For this people's heart has grown callous; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.' (Matthew 13:15.) He was the great healer, a man of great compassion and love, and yet they screamed "Crucify", "Crucify." Many are calling for the nation of America to heal and to come together in unity. However unity must be real, it must be grounded in truth, peace and love. You cannot fake it, it cannot be forced. His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. True peace can only come when the people invite Him 'The Prince of Peace' into their hearts into their lives, into their governments. Then a nation can change. Then a nation can heal. Then you will see true unity, then you will see true peace.

Thursday 7 January 2021

Never Forget This Day

Many are blasting Trump and his supporters for the supposed damage to democracy. However what about the damage inflicted on US democracy by the voter fraud? I have personally sat through and watched hours and hours of legislator hearings, including witness statements, affidavits and expert witnesses over the last few weeks in key swing states live streamed on NTD and Newsmax. There was clearly widespread voter and election fraud just enough to get Biden over the line. There was support for a commission to look into this in the house and senate yesterday but they just didn't have the numbers. Failure by the courts to even look at the evidence, mainstream media blackouts and denials and big tech censorship has in my opinion has only fueled the frustration of millions. Voter fraud has been an issue in the US for many years with no one having the appetite to face it head on, until now. I disagree with the assertion quite strongly that Donald Trump in anyway incited violence yesterday, support for his challenge yes, violence absolutely NOT! I don't think this is going away any time soon with US polls clearly showing millions on all sides believing the 2020 election was rigged. Those who were complicit in the election fraud must repent. A presidency founded on fraud and deceit will not prosper. Trump was right to call it out.

Saturday 16 May 2020

Jesus Our Key Worker

As I travel around my county of Cornwall I see many banners of acknowledement for the key workers and quite rightly so they are doing an amazing job in unusual circumstances. Christians understand there is one key worker we must not forget, Our Lord and Saviour. The writer of Hebrews instucts us all "He always lives interceding for us" Hebrews 7:25. Jesus is constantly at work, day and night, praying for His people. Two thousand years ago Jesus did a work unique to Him. His sacraficial death was the key for all those who are willing to come to Him and be reconciled to God. The current circumstances we find ourselves in will pass but Jesus remains praying for us. Further tests may come and go but let us hold tight to this key scripture for our daily peace..."I have said this to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" John 16:33.

Thursday 23 April 2020

The Sin Of Ridicule

The person who takes pleasure in ridiculing others has actually succumb to an evil spirit, the spirit of ridicule. When Jesus was suffering on the cross for the sin of the world many ridiculed Him. "If you are the Son of Man come down off the cross," "He saved others but He cannot save himself." They derided him, wagging their heads saying "He trusts in God let God deliver Him now" (Matthew 27:39-44. These underhanded and dirty tactics are straight from the pit of hell and people who engage in them should be ashamed.

Facebook and other social media platforms are flooded with ridicule. Many are sharing with delight memes and caricature ridiculing and mocking others. Many are seen as 'fare game.' However its easy to lose sight of the fact that this person is someones father, mother, sister, brother, husband or wife. When you throw a stone at someone the ripples of the blow are far reaching. Ridicule is a weapon  because it always pulls down, always hurts. Avoid ridiculing others because to ridicule a fellow human being indirectly insults God, since we are all created in His image. Ridicule is a form of contempt and is morally wrong no matter how many shares you may get.

Sunday 12 April 2020

It Still Matters

Often things seem less important as time passes. People don't pay much attention or thought to medieval history or what happened in the Stone Age. Its not relevant to us because life has changed, life has moved on, we now live in a different era. I remember street preaching with a couple from Manchester when a man shouted out 'Dinosaurs.' He mirrored the thoughts of many, that Christianity is outdated and relegated to history and doesn't- shouldn't matter in the modern world. The truth is Christianity can never be irrelevant because it answers many of mankinds basic questions. The most important question is what happens when we die? To answer that question I could go on to You Tube and watch all the near life/after life videos for an answer. Or I could purchase or read the myriad of books available on the subject from Amazon, there are thousands! However I prefer to go to the God Man our Lord Jesus Christ for the answer. Why? Because he died and came back from the dead and still lives! This is the foundational belief of Christianity. We have to recieve that fact by faith because were weren't there when it happened. We have to accept the accounts of the few hundred that were privileged to see him, touch him and speak with him after his resurrection. However it isn't a blind faith because thousands are receiving him as their personal Lord and Saviour every day. They are testifying to healings and answered prayer requests in his name and the perfect peace that passes all human understanding. So it still matters, knowing Christ is as relevant today as it was over two thousand years ago. The old adage 'It's not what you know but who you know' works here. It's not so important to know what happens after death as to know the person who conquered death and has the power over it, that person is truly worth knowing.

Saturday 11 April 2020

Finding Your Own Space

We were created to have space, be in our own space. The modern world is noisy, irritating sometimes. We love our families and our friends but sometimes is good just to be on our own. With the ongoing Covid19 lockdown for some this is proving impossible. Forced together sometimes in cramped accommodation with nowhere to go, nowhere to find a quite place. Many professionals are concerned that mental health issues will accelerate during this time because people are being forced together 24/7. Children are amazing at finding the perfect get away, the cupboard under the stairs, hiding behind the curtain or making dens out of blankets. Husbands for years have built sheds in the bottom of gardens to find that space away from everything. Someone who understood our need perfectly was the Lord Jesus Christ who often withdrew to lonely places and prayed Luke 5:16. We know from the scripture accounts that huge needy crowds followed Jesus werether he went, he took on humanity so felt fatigue. So it's not so suprising to read 'He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone Matthew' 14:23. So dont feel guilty if you need that space alone it's really important for your mental health. You might have to be imaginative to find it however it will benefit you enormously. If you haven't spoken with God for a while, perhaps now is the time, because if you are not a key worker, time is something you have a lot of.

Friday 10 April 2020

Passover 2020

The parallels between the event of Passover and the crucifixion of Christ are truly amazing. Two lambs without blemish sacrificed for the protection from judgement for Gods people. The people were instructed to choose a lamb just as we must decide today to choose the Lamb of God who takes away our sin and protects us from Gods coming judgement (John 1:29). Passover was the Day of Choosing; Will you make this day the day you choose Christ? (Joshua 24:14-15). Four days after the Day of Choosing the blood of the lamb was to be struck on the doorposts of each house. This was the Day of Application. The blood must be applied to each one of us to be of effect. The blood was a token, a thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact. However faith was the key. The people still had to have faith  that the steps they had taken would give the desired results. In the same way we apply the Blood of Protection to ourselves when we believe by faith and trust that the work of the cross can and will protect us from Gods coming judgement. Good Friday is Crucifixion Day, the day Jesus of Nazareth the perfect Lamb of God was willingly sacrificed for your sin and my sin. Make this day your Salvation Day grab hold of the good news, open your heart to what He did for you and receive Him as your Lord and Saviour by faith, today!

John 1:29(ESV)
Behold The Lamb of God
The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
Joshua 24:14-15(ESV)
Choose Whom You Will Serve
“Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord.  And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lordchoose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Food Banks

Just a thought the other day concerning food bank use in the UK...Are the governments purely to blame for their rise? I remember when my son was small and money was tight my parents helped out a lot with food. Is it possible that extended families live more separate lives often miles apart. Also has the encouragement to save for a rainy day been lost? Family economic priorities have also shifted with many locked in to phone contracts and media entertainment contracts that are not easy to get out of?

The previous Labour government stopped paying housing benefit direct to the Landlord and instead decided to pay it to the claimant. It was meant to empower people to budget but if you have very little money the temptation to spend the rent is a strong one! In the current system the landlord can request a direct payment but only after several months of arrears have accumulated. As a result many people are being evicted for non payment of rent and cannot be rehoused because they are seen to have made themselves homeless by not paying their rent!

This current governments Tax Credits, in some regard, seems brutal especially sanctions and the long wait to receive financial help. There will always be people in need as circumstances can change overnight, loss of work, ill health, breakdown of relationships etc. Perhaps food banks should be viewed as a welcome friend in need, funded and stocked by those within the local community who care and are pleased to have a avenue to show their concern in a practical way, rather than a embarrassment for the UK.

The Trussel Trust are campaigning to end the need for their food banks in the UK but through their charity work they are enabling families in need to come forward and request help without fear of refusal, judgement or prejudice which must be commended.

Tuesday 15 October 2019


A private investigator claims he knows who really killed Nicole Kidman and Ron Goldman in 1994. I remember the OJ Simpson murder trial well. All the evidence seemed to point to him being at the crime scene and the killer of his ex-wife and her boyfriend and yet the jury found him not guilty. New evidence has been put forward that it was his son Jason who did the killings and OJ was only there to cover up his sons misdemeaner and take the rap.

As we draw closer to Easter another famous trial comes to mind. Jesus of Nazareth found himself before the Roman Governer Pontious Pilate accussed of stirring up the people and claiming to be a King. Pilate wanted to flog him and let him go but the vocal minority wanted him crucified. Desperate to release him Pilate reminded them at the Passover Feast it was their custom to have a prisoner released. Pilate gave them a choice, Barabbas or Jesus. They were both noteable prisoners, both accussed of inciting the people. However Jesus was declared Just by Pontious Pilate during his hand washing. Barabbas was a thief and a murderer. Interestingly Barabbas means 'son of the father.' Jesus was declared the Son of the Father but of a different father. Who would the people choose? Two sons one choice. We know they chose Barabbas.

I wonder how OJ and his son felt when the verdict was read out? If the allegations are true the wrong man stood trial. What of Barabbas? I bet he couldn't believe his good fortune. If he wasn't released that day he would have been put to death. An innocent man died in the place of a common criminal. And that my friends is the gospel message. Jesus died in our place so like Barabbas we can walk free. Unlike Barabbas who didn't have a say in the manner, we do. God has given everyone a free will to choose whose child they will be

Friday 19 April 2019

Whose covering?

In Genesis 3:7 Adam and Eve tried to cover their sin with fig leaves. Nakedness was a word used in Hebrew thought to denote being found out - uncovered - sinful. When God saw them He could not accept their covering so animals were sacrificed and 'The Lord God made coats of skin and clothed them' Genesis 3:21. The Bible is not specific however most agree the animals would have been lambs or young sheep. Now rush forward a few thousand years and hear the words of John the Baptist on spotting Jesus "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" John 1:29. However Jesus sacrifice on the cross didn't just Cover sin it took it away from all those who are trusting in Him for their salvation. Working for salvation by being good or doing good deeds are fig leaves and unacceptable to God. The only sacrifice God will accept to cover and takeaway our sin is the sacrifice of His Son in the work of the cross. This is why Good Friday is Good news to all those who believe!

Friday 3 February 2017


“He (God) removes kings and sets up kings” Daniel 2:21. 

It may seem that the world is out of control and being ruled by men and women we feel we cannot trust, but this is far from the truth, because God is in control! The bible teaches people do not come to power by accident! In fact the opposite, God is the one who sets up kings and rulers for his purposes. 

No one can take up a place of power or authority unless God has ordained it. God uses the good, the bad and the ugly. God uses the unexpected to fulfill his purposes in world history. Some are put in place to speed something up or allow something to happen. Others are raised up to slow something down or to prevent something from happening. 

God hardened the heart of the Pharaoh to set in motion his plan to release his people from evil bondage and their escape from Egypt. God used the Pharaoh for his purposes. God used a pagan king, Cyrus king of Persia, a man of bloody conquests and cut throat politics, to rebuild the holy temple in Jerusalem and call back the Israelites from the Babylonian exile. God used Cyrus for his purposes. When Pontius Pilate told Jesus he had the power to have him crucified Jesus replied “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above” John 19:11. God used Pontius Pilate for his purposes.

Do not be so hasty to write a ruler or leader off. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8. Nothing is wasted in Gods economy he could be about to use him or her for some historic event which will bring about Gods purposes for mankind. "For the LORD of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it? And as for His stretched-out hand, who can turn it back?" Isaiah 14:27.

All authority begins and ends with God and God is in control. Knowing this how should we act?

Firstly we should submit to those in authority over us. “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” Romans 13:1. Secondly honour those in authority over us by having respect for their position. “Honour where honour is due” Romans 13:7. Finally pray for kings, and for all those in authority, that we might lead a peaceful life” 1 Timothy 2:1-2.

Thursday 26 January 2017


2016 was an exciting year, politically, for the UK with the unexpected Brexit vote and it ended with an all-time political shocker; Donald Trump was elected President of The United States. I have seen leaders come and go but have never before witnessed the strength of hatred toward a politician as I have in the last recent days. It seemed to reach its summit during the world-wide ‘Women’s Marches’ the day following Trumps inauguration. Whilst Donald Trump was in church praying for divine help and wisdom millions were on the streets waving banners. Captions were personal ‘Not my president,’ ‘Dump Trump,’ ‘Hate Trump, ’and emotive with captions such as ‘abortion on demand & without apology’ & ‘don’t mess with my reproductive rights.’ Scenes unfolded that were more reminiscent of demonstrations on the streets of Gazza or Iran.  I was waiting for the voice of wisdom to speak out against the hysterical scenes that were being played out before the world’s eyes. The women’s marches showed forth an ugliness of humanity that has left many shocked, dismayed or even bewildered.

The demonization of any individual or people is abhorrent. I remember my visit to the holocaust museum in Jerusalem where I saw slogans, pamphlets and propaganda demonizing the Jewish people. This atmosphere paved the way for their murder. Donald Trump it would seem is fair game but I can’t help feeling a sense of unease. Trump is daring to go where other men have feared to tread, abortion, immigration, Israel and the Palestinians, all areas he is impacting. Trump is keeping his promises to those who elected him but stirring up those who didn’t. Any president who dares to take a stand on these political hot potatoes as Trump has should be at least admired for his courage.

During Trump’s campaign my overwhelming feeling was the strength of a Judgmental spiritual at work.  It cannot be denied that Donald Trump has made mistakes, doing and saying the wrong thing, but hey who hasn’t!   Jesus instructed his listeners “Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?” Luke 6:41. I have heard people repeat parrot fashion how ‘Trump is the most dangerous man in the world.’ But I feel far more dangerous is the refusal of the losing side to democratically and graciously accept that Donald Trump is in The Whitehouse.

Saturday 24 December 2016


The planet earth he created and all the human race, who were lost like sheep without Him, broken and in need of repair & reconciliation.
Jesus a gift to the world, God became human, once born so we could become twice born, born again into a living hope.
Not in religion but in him. Jesus is the way, Jesus is the door, Jesus is the ONLY Saviour.
We all have a sell by date like perishing fruit, but Jesus has saved us from the second death if we put our trust in Him.
Death where is thy victory, where is thy sting?
You came from heaven to earth to show the way, from the earth to the cross, my debt to pay, from the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky. This is why we lift His name on high.
The gift of the second-birth and everlasting life is His to give to every willing heart


Thursday 26 June 2014

The false benevolent god

The false benevolent god is an all loving, all forgiving god, who will never punish sin, judge anyone or send them to hell for an eternity. He is largely ignored throughout the year except when he is brought out for funerals, wedding, christenings and of course Christmas and Easter. He is an idolatrous god because he has been made by the mind of man and bears little or no resemblance to the holy and righteous true God of the Bible and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Following this false god brings little comfort or joy because it lacks relationship and accountability. Accountability because the followers of this false god believe they are unanswerable and free to do whatever they choose. Relationship because intimacy is not desired or sought after but rather an arm’s length approach is adopted. 

He is widely spoken about throughout the land and promoted in the highest of religious establishments. When the true biblical God is proclaimed followers of this false god balk at the very idea of His existence. The apostle Paul entreated Christ’s followers to “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. If indeed Christ dwells in you” (2Corinthians 13:5). Are you a true Christian, or are you a counterfeit? Have you been born again, or only putting up a front?  A true Christian according to the apostle Paul is someone in whom Christ dwells. How can we know for sure? In Romans Paul says, The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children (Romans 8:16). There will be an inner witness, an assurance that cannot be moved. Look for the evidence of fruit in your life. If Christ indeed is in you there will be evidence of a changed life. Your attitudes will have changed away from self-centeredness and the dark things of the world. Sin will no longer be embraced; pleasing the Father will be uttermost in your thoughts. Jesus said “follow me.” Is it Him your are truly following or the false benevolent god? Better to check one-self today than enter into an eternity of confusion, loneliness and regret!

Thursday 17 April 2014

The death clock:When will I die?

 The death clock. The Internet's friendly reminder that life is slipping away is being accessed by millions and was featured on today's BBC2 Jeremy Vine show. Jut enter your D.O.B, Sex, BMI, Smoking Status and press the 'Check Your Death Clock' button to be given your death age.   The death lock has been predicting peoples demise since 2006 and boasts 3,101,657 death projections and counting. The disclaimer at the buttom of the page quite rightly reminds users that the death clock "should be used for fun only, this calculator is unlikely to predict your actual date of death."

Only God can know the actual time of anyones death. Jesus predicted his death multiple times, twenty-one times to be precise. Jesus taught his followers that he must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law. Jesus said to them, "We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!"

Easter remembers the death of Christ and celebrates his resurrection. Billions of people have put their eternal well-being safely in his hands. He said he was the resurrection and the life and anyone who believes in him, though he should die, shall live. What a promise. And no empty promise either, he proved that by showing he had the power to raise himself from the grave. Jesus offers forgivness of sins and the gift of everlasting life to all who trust and believe in him. For all those who have done this, clock watching is no longer needed. Have you placed your life and your future completely in God’s hands? If not, why not today?

Saturday 29 March 2014

Sexual Sins

A women was caught in adultery and brought before Jesus to be judged. The people who brought her wanted to stone her to death according to Jewish law (back then adultery carried the death penalty). However they didn't bring the man, and the women remained silent. Jesus reminded the blood thirsty, baying crowd of their own sexual sins and asked if there was one perfect, sinless person, among them let him be the first to lift a stone. There wasn't so one by one they walked away. Actually that isn't true because there was one perfect, sinless man...Jesus. He told her to "Go and sin no more." Because Jesus payed the price for our sin upon the cross every individual has an opportunity to "Go and sin no more." 

Saturday 1 March 2014

Hot Scriptures

Many people do not understand just how hot the Bible is. Gods firey passion for humanity burns on every page. From the moment humanity fell, on that monumental day way back in time, God has been at work communicating with a word that at large doesn't want to know Him. Humanities arch enemy has been busy trying to discredit Gods finest communication piece...His Holy Bible. He will highlight the scriptures which speak of judgement and punishment and gloss over the ones which speak of Gods mercy, love and passion. He will try and belittle it by pointing out the obvious "It was written by men." Satan knows salvation knowledge cannot come about apart from Gods holy word. He goes to great lengths to keep us from it. However like a message in a bottle bobbing on the sea, Gods heart cry is... reach out, pick me up, read me and then you will find me.

Sunday 5 January 2014

The Hidden Pearl

I felt dissapointed today to read the Church Of England were considering removing foundational words from the Christening service. Sin, Saviour and Devil are words thought to be out of date. I was wondering where all this dumbing down can really lead to? The COE have taken the people pleasing approach for over a decade but it hasn't added to the congragation rather the reverse!

Sadly the Church and the name Christianity in general is having a really bad press. How can Christians hold their heads high above the barrage of criticism and continue to proclaim Christ?

I believe the answer is in THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. To look at an oyster you could never believe it contains something extrordinarily beautiful, white and pure. The shell is scabby and dirty. Oysters are really hard to find. It takes perseverance and going deep to find one!

Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,  who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Matthew 13:45-46

The merchant was seeking. Jesus is the pearl of great price. Jesus promised all those whom seek Him would find Him.

It's so easy to find fault with those within the church but it takes special effort to look for the pearl!

To find the pearl, go deep, persevere and look past the grubbiness and perhaps like me you will find Jesus. Pure, white, righteous King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus of Nazareth!

Friday 27 September 2013

Living In A Chaotic World

"The more I read the news the less enchanted I am with the human race, you can go on about climate change and saving the planet, I tell you something this planet is not worth saving!" This is a comment posted by a Daily Mail reader after reading the article in which the terrible torture and death of the Kenyan Mall hostages was reported.

He has a valid point. World violence is increasing. God, the creator of man, would have sympathised with the above comment because sadly we have been here before; in the time of Noah when there was a huge population increase. In Genesis we read how "The earth was morally corrupt before God and FILLED with violence." It get's worse; God saw that the imagination and thoughts of the human heart were evil CONTINUALLY and it grieved him in his heart (yes God has a heart) that he had ever created man!"

Sadly we are living in a world where everyone does what is right in his own eyes. The only possible outcome is total world chaos.

It is true, there are pockets in the world where life is reasonably normal, but how can 'We' living in these pockets have peace of mind and security when so much of humanity is living a nightmare.

The bad news is God is just and holy and no one will escape his righteous judgement, and He will utterly destroy those who refuse his grace and mercy. The good news is "For God so loved the world that he sent his only Son to save those who would believe and trust in him."

There are more prophecies about Jesus' second coming than his first. Jesus said when he returns it would be like it was in the days of Noah just before the flood when there was violence all over the earth.   I often find myself asking Jesus "How long before you return Lord." Things upon the earth are now so desperate. Sadly the majority of the people on the planet are failing to realise just how desperate things have become. We have tried to rule and govern without God and have shown time and time again, it just cant be done! We need him, now more than ever.

Our Father, which art in heaven, Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, The power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

Come Lord Jesus Come!